Xcredit Loan: Apply N5,000 to N500,000


If you need a quick and easy loan without paperwork or collateral, consider Xcredit.

The Lagos-based fintech company developed a mobile loan app for online personal loan applications.

Xcredit verifies your identity and credit score using your phone data, including SMS history.

The best part? You can apply from home. Keep in mind that loans have a maximum tenor of 180 days.

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Kiakia Loan Requirements in Nigeria

kiakia loan requirements

KiaKia is a popular online platform for lending and borrowing money in Nigeria.

KiaKia is a P2P lending platform connecting borrowers and lenders without traditional financial institutions.

While many people see KiaKia as just another payday loan app or platform, the requirements for obtaining loans from KiaKia are actually more complex than most other loan apps.

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NPC News: No Public Holiday during Census

npc dates

Nigeria’s National Population Commission (NPC) announced that the country will conduct a census from May 3 to May 7, 2023.

This exercise involves counting all people living in the country, including foreigners.

This article will provide information about the upcoming census.

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Edit Your NPC Application in a Few Easy Steps

npc application

Editing personal details on the NPC application portal is necessary for applicants who have had changes in their profile since the last application. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to editing an NPC application.

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